Ready to buy Kettler HKS Coach LS Rowing Machine? You come at the right place. You can get special discount for Kettler HKS Coach LS Rowing Machine.
Where can I buy the Kettler HKS Coach LS Rowing Machine? Click Here to buy this Kettler HKS Coach LS Rowing Machine. At the moment, they include free shipping and from what I can tell when comparing prices with other online merchants, they do currently have the best deal especially with the free shipping option.

Kettler HKS Coach LS Rowing Machine Description:
With its non-wearing balanced Magnetic-Brake System and center pull oar, the Kettler Coach LS rowing machine provides a total body workout in your den or garage. Not only does the Coach LS supply a complete exercise program, but it also makes you feel just like you're rowing on the water. The Coach LS is equipped with a LCD training computer that displays the time, oar strokes, current cadence, cumulative distance over a training session, heart rate, and kilojoules (a precise measure of energy consumption). As a result, you can precisely monitor your workout down to the last detail. The rower's Magnetic-Brake System, meanwhile, offers infinitely variable resistance that's indexed from 1 to 10. And to keep you comfortable while you row, the Coach LS boasts biomechanically designed footplates that offer a natural pivoting action and a full longitudinal rowing motion range.
The rower is also well built, with a sturdy powder-coated frame, transport casters, and top-grade ball bearings in the extra padded seat rollers. The casters and ball bearings provide a silky smooth glide along the chrome-plated steel rails, so your rowing always feels natural and steady. And as a bonus, the rower includes a Quick Attach backboard and front footplate, which let you perform an additional 16 exercises, such as curls or lateral raises. Other details include a Wireless Polar T34 heart rate transmitter, a recovery pulse rate feature and scan function, and such settings as time, upper pulse limit, kilojoules, and a visual and/or acoustical cadence signal.
The KETTLER Coach LS rower provides friction-free adjustable magnetic resistance for the total-body workout
Product Features
Rowing machine with non-wearing, balanced Magnetic-Brake System
LCD training computer displays time, oar strokes, distance, cadence, and more
Biomechanically designed footplates offer natural pivoting action
Quick Attach backboard and front footplate support 16 additional exercises
Includes wireless Polar heart rate transmitter; center pull oar
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